
You are in the right place if you:

  • are a parent of a what they call a 'strong willed child'

  • feel like the only way for your child to listen is if you scream or spank

  • if you are spanking and screaming 1-5 times per week

  • have been attempting to break cycles and parent from your Peace for a while but are still not experiencing peace consistently

  • want a deeper and more peaceful bond with your child where they also listen to your instruction and follow your leadership

  • want a stronger ability hold to space for yourself when triggered helping you to respond to your child from a higher level of emotional intelligence

  • are committed to getting help, won't give up at the first sign of struggle, and are willing to put in the work (which is super simple and practical)

My goal and intention is to support you as you transform and rise above the patterns of your child not seeming to listen to you, overwhelm, overstimulation, mom guilt, spanking, and screaming….and for you to experience that parenting FROM your peace can be fun, expansive, simple, and practical.

Hi, my name is Michelle Bowen.

You may have found me on Facebook, TikTok, or Instagram.

I help parents with:

  • Merging conscious and peaceful living with parenthood

  • Using parenthood strategically to heal, strengthen self acceptance, and create a parent/child bond from our Peace in a simple and practical way

  • Without investing hundreds or thousands of dollars in order to do so

PS: the result of partnering with me is proof that experiencing more peace in parenthood and breaking cycles of spanking and screaming at our children does not have to be complex, super difficult, or cost a fortune.

Question: Michelle, doesn't posting often prevent the need of your business and the 1 on 1 work you do with your clients? 

Answer: I could post 12 times per day for the next 40 years and it wouldn't stop the 1 on 1 services and programs provided through me from being beneficial to parents all over the world who they resonate with. 

 Posting happens from inspiration.

It's fun to create.

I also have a lot of energy and creating helps me to move it in a constructive and fun way. (when parenthood no longer drains you of energy and when parenthood is no longer stressful you will have a ton of energy too... is there anything you love to create?) 

The parents I work with already know everything on my social media pages. 

The parents I partner with are highly intelligent and have already read a lot of the books on parenting, watched all the videos out there on YouTube about all the topics, and have more than likely already worked with therapists/coaches/mentors before. 

A large majority of them are also entrepreneurs and/or creators who have ideas for businesses that benefit others. 

The parents I work with watch the content for reminders, but are actually done with consuming more information for the most part and are starting to literally embody all they have learned and when they partner with me they are supported as their heart & intuition align with their mind. 

I facilitate a space of support as they continue to parent from a state of being that reflects heart/mind coherence. 

The heart already knows... together we have fun shifting from a disempowering/negative/limited mindset to a mindset that is more naturally synced with the heart which leads to parenting from our Heart in our own unique and intuitive way .... instead of the patterns we learned from society and our own childhood. 

Consuming content doesn't lead to results .... embodiment & heart mind coherence does. And no one can do this for you.... but you CAN be supported as it continues to naturally unfold & that's my function. 

It's happening regardless. 

The unfolding is happening no matter what  

Keep being gentle on yourself.

If you feel inspired to partner with me…. let’s party :) I’m ready when you are!

You are in the right place if you:

  • are ready to be in a space where you actually look forward to triggers and are even excited about them, because you know the opportunity for healing and growth they are presenting you with

  • are ready to say ‘goodbye’ to spanking and screaming all of the time

  • are ready to shift from feeling powerless to empowered and able

  • are ready to experience a home environment that you don’t need a vacation from

  • are ready to be more dependent on your Self instead of the opinions of others

  • are ready for a deep, authentic, and rich connection with your Self and your child

I specialize in supporting you as you use parenthood to realize the power of your inner Peace. This is something that by Grace my daughter has given me the opportunity to become very skilled at. She is 8 and continues to show me that parenthood is a gateway to healing, freedom, and realizing the power of our inner Peace.

When working with me in any capacity, together, we create a peaceful and empowered parenting ecosystem unique to you —activities that affect each other and work together — where parenting without spanking and screaming is normalized and experiencing parenthood without feeling shame, guilt, or overwhelm constantly is accessible.

Using parenthood to realize experientially that it is possible to experience joy, freedom, and peace regardless of circumstances.

The course and sessions facilitated by me for 4 years help to support you as you achieve the actualization of the fresh, upleveling, magical, and unconditionally loving relationship you want with your children and your Self.